時尚輕便佳能—PowerShot A2300評測!-科技頻道-和訊網 2012年3月27日 - 時尚輕便佳能—PowerShot A2300評測! ... 學生版PowerShot A2300更受大家追捧,今天來我們評測室的是PowerShot A2300一款 ... 評價白平衡.
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Nikon Nikkor 35mm lens comparison: 35mm f1.4G vs 35mm f2.0D vs DX 35mm f1.8G | Cameralabs What a surprise: the tiny 1.8G can still best the 2.0D even in FX corners - at least where sharpness and contrast are concerned. Vignetting was pretty strong on uncorrected images with the DX lens though: you need to correct the FX-corners in post-process
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Fujifilm XT1 review | Cameralabs - Camera reviews, DSLR reviews, lens reviews, photography guides Looking for a Fujifilm XT1 review? Find out if a balance of retro and high-tech make it the best mirrorless camera! ... Moving onto the controls, the X-T1 embraces retro like no other modern camera, except perhaps the Nikon Df. The X-T1 is literally adorn
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